solidarity is not a slogan

Tears in the fabric.png

Tears in the fabric
gash (noun)
\ ˈgash
1: a deep long cut in flesh
2: a deep narrow depression or cut
Reminders on the corner to nudge us out of routine, complicity. A curious cartography of visual resistance. The who and the when and the what now, repeated in my privilege of movement. Easily passed by, but easy to stop and heed the message. A sign in the city that there’s someone, somewhere, thinking about reinscribing space to value those dispossessed, paved over, silenced.
Yet – stickers and scrawls have all been scratched, torn, defaced. A half-life of wheatpastings, barely legible after the violence and rain. Opposition on the street, efforts to stymie these attempts at movement building and solidarity. Palpable tension in text. Each city reading the same. Mark-making, image-taking. Taking. Remember I am not doing enough.
Image 1 – (2018) Noailles, Marseille
Image 2 – (2020) Canal Saint Martin, Paris
Image 3 – (2018) Noailles, Marseille
Image 4 – (2019) Bastille, Paris
Image 5 – (2019) Belle de Mai, Marseille
Image 6 – (2019) Kaptol, Zagreb
Image 7 – (2018) Neukölln, Berlin
Image 8 – (2018) Grünerløkka, Oslo
Image 9 – (2019) Noailles, Marseille
Image 10 – (2018) Ajami, Jaffa