Fania Noel

A Haitian-born, French Afrofeminist organizer and writer. She is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at The New School for Social Research. Her dissertation “Noir in Place: Spatializing Black Politics in contemporary France” investigates the political spaces (spatial and ideological) of Black political movements in France, with an interest in forms of conflict and adaptation vis-à-vis France's universalist ideology, legacies of slavery/colonialism, and policing. Fania Noel is the co-founder and editorial director of the French political journal led by women, queer and trans people of color, Revue AssiégéEs (Besieged), and the Haitian feminist anthology revue Alaso. Until 2021 she was in charge of the political ideology and training of the MWASI – Collectif Afroféministe (France). She recently published her second book (March 2022), Et Maintenant le pouvoir. Un horizon politique Afroféministe [Power now. An Afrofeminist Political Horizon] (Editions Cambourakis) and served as a member of Black Feminist Future‘s Board of Directors. Her website: